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2019:   Purple and Gold - a musical celebration
of 125 years of women's suffrage in South Australia.

This project was commissioned for the 2019 Fleurieu Folk Festival and funded by a grant from the Office for Women, bringing together a group of women songwriters, poets and performers. Adrienne's song Two and Six a Dozen commemorated the Working Women's Trades Union, and the part it played in the campaign for Votes for Women.

2019:   Weaving Stories

'Weaving Stories' was a collaborative arts project telling stories of the Onkaparinga Woollen Mill, Lobethal,  through song, poetry, and visual imagery. Directed by Vic McEwan for Fabrik Arts and Heritage Centre, which is housed in the old Woollen Mill complex, the project brought together an array of local artists. Adrienne contributed three songs: Threads, about the impact of changing technology on the workforce; One More Hill, harking back to the fortitude of the early settlers in the valley, and The Last Mill Whistle, written for the project. This "warts-and-all" recording was made by a member of the audience at one of the performances, and captures the haunting moment when the mill whistle was sounded to mark the end of the performance.

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